Regulatory updates - Hungary
Get the latest news and updates on e-invoicing, e-ordering, e-archiving and indirect tax regulatory requirements.

New timeline for electricity and gas suppliers to issue e-invoices
Hungary has recently amended two decrees to enforce energy and gas suppliers to issue only e-invoices.
Hungarian electricity and gas suppliers must issue e-invoices
Hungary has amended two decrees that will be enforced from 1 January 2025. Such decrees establish concrete e-invoicing requirements for gas distribution companies and energy traders.
New data reconciliation procedure from 2025
The main purpose of the data reconciliation procedure for the Hungarian Tax Authority (NAV) is to regularly compare the data from the real-time invoice reporting system with the information on the VAT returns, in particular the M sheets, submitted by companies.
Hungary publishes new message types in Online Számla Rendszer
New ERROR, WARN and INFO messages have been added to the Online Számla Rendszer 3.0.
Hungary issues clarifications on RTIR obligation in relation to B2C cross-border transactions
On 3 March 2021, the Hungarian tax authority has announced a further extension of the grace period for real-time invoice reporting (RTIR) through 30 June 2021.
Pagero goes live with real-time invoice reporting in Hungary
Having achieved compliance in Hungary for the upcoming RTIR mandate for B2B and B2C transaction types, Pagero successfully connects customers to the Hungarian tax authority platform to provide a secure and compliant solution for meeting all local requirements.
CTC requirements overview: Hungary
As of 1 April 2021, real-time invoice reporting (RTIR) will be mandatory for B2B and B2C transactions in Hungary. Our fact sheet will provide you with all you need to know about this country's latest requirements.
Deadline for the extension of the RTIR obligation in Hungary approaching soon
Starting 1 April 2021, the scope of the real-time invoice reporting (RTIR) obligation will be extended to business-to-customer (B2C) transactions and transactions issued by non-residents.
New obligation for UK-based companies to appoint a fiscal representative in Hungary
As of 1 January 2021, UK-based companies managing a business in Hungary and not settled in any of the other EU-member states are obliged to appoint a fiscal representative in the country.
Grace period for Hungary real-time invoice reporting announced
The extension of the Hungary real-time invoice reporting obligation (RTIR) was set to commence as of 1 January 2021. Due to the difficulties caused around the world by the COVID-19 pandemic, The Ministry of Finance has recently announced that there will be a grace period for businesses to comply with the RTIR obligation.
Country Specifications
E-Invoicing/CTC Model:
RTIR and Post-audit
Mandatory Infrastructure:
– RTIR: Online Szamla
– e-Invoice: No infrastructure
Mandatory Format:
– NAV XML version 3.0 for e-invoicing via Online Számla
– N/A for the rest
Mandatory for Issuing:
– RTIR: All suppliers
– e-Invoice: No explicit requirements
Mandatory for Receiving:
Buyer’s consent required
Not Required
Archiving Period:
– Standard: 5 years
– Accounting purposes: 8 years
Archiving Abroad:
Allowed under conditions

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