E-invoicing choices have traditionally been buyer-led. Suppliers have been at the mercy of their customers’ e-invoicing decisions. All this is set to change.
With ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) scheduled for 2030, we are facing a tectonic shift in the power-dynamic between buyer and supplier (AP and AR).
In this webinar, we discuss how ViDA and more country-specific regulations are shifting command from AP to AR – from the buyer to the supplier.
What does this mean for:
1) Your AP team
2) Your AR team
3) Your Finance organization
4) Affected functions (like Tax, Procurement and IT)
This webinar examines the new legislation, the power shift, and 7 items for serious consideration. You will leave this session with clarity on:
After 25 years+ of “Buyer Dominance,” the balance of power will change – and preparation and action is vital.
What you will learn from this webinar:
ViDA and its implications for you
How you can best prepare now for the 2030 milestone
What the shift means to your First Time Match rates and why you'll initially see a data-set deterioration
How to join up AP and AR on a digital program when historically these functions have operated independantly
How to galvanise buy-in from IT, Procurement, Tax and Sales
Matt Hammond
Managing Director - Western Europe, Pagero
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