Regulatory updates - Brazil
Get the latest news and updates on e-invoicing, e-ordering, e-archiving and indirect tax regulatory requirements.

Brazil's Tax Reform triggers major changes in electronic tax documents
As part of the ongoing Tax Reform, significant updates have been made to the NFS-e (Electronic Service Invoice) system to accommodate new consumption taxes.
House approves basic text of tax reform with VAT restrictions pending Senate approval
On 10 July, the House of Representatives approved the main text of the first Brazilian Tax Reform regulation, and the text is now awaiting Senate approval.
New SINIEF Adjustment obliges states to adopt NFCom e-invoices
The new SINIEF Adjustment 49/23 amends SINIEF Adjustment 7/22, which established NFCom, model 62, and the NFCom Auxiliary Document.
Newly released technical note introduces the event of Delivery Failure to goods e-invoice
The latest published technical note introduces two new technical events in the delivery process of NF-e (electronic invoice), the event of failure and the corresponding cancellation event.
Brazil's lower house approves the tax reform
On 15 December 2023, the tax reform was finally endorsed by Brazil's lower house.
Validation of GTIN codes in Group III according to NT 2021:003 version 1.30
The NF-e portal published version 1.30 of NT 2021.003 on 5 December 2023. As stated in Annex I - Group III, this version expands the verification for brand owners that they are required to report Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) and have them validated in the GTIN Centralized Cadastre (CCG) during the issuance of e-Invoices (NF-e).
Sefaz Maranhão announces CT-e 4.0 becoming effective from January 2024
The State Finance Department of Maranhão (SEFAZ MA) has published version 4.0 of the Cargo Transport Bill Issuance Program (CTE - Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico) with 31 January 2024 as the deadline for cargo transporters to migrate to the new version.
Single-phase ICMS taxation on fuel operations
Technical Note NT2023.001 version 1.40 has been published with changes to the validation rules related to the single-phase taxation on fuels.
Brazil simplifies tax obligations with new legislation
To maintain taxpayers' compliance with their obligations, Brazil sanctioned the complementary law that creates the National Statute for the Simplification of Tax Obligations.
Brazilian CONFAZ amends CT-e OS and GVT documents
The National Finance Policy Council (CONFAZ) has published amendments to the SINIEF 21/2023 and SINIEF 25/2023 which affect the content and issuance of CT-e OS and GVT tax documents.
Country Specifications
E-Invoicing/CTC Model:
– Pre-clearance: NF-e, CT-e, and MDF-e
– Post-clearance: NFS-2
Mandatory Infrastructure:
Mandatory Format:
– NF-e, CT-e and MDF-e: XML’s harmonised on the federal level
– Presentation: DANFE for NF-e, DACTE for CT-e and DAMDFE for MDF-e
– NFS-e: XML’s established on municipal levels
Mandatory for Issuing:
All suppliers
Mandatory for Receiving:
All buyers
Archiving Period:
5 years
Archiving Abroad:
Allowed subject to derogation

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