This agreement will facilitate and enable the Government of Malta to meet its obligations concerning the European Directive on e-invoicing in Public Procurement (Directive 2014/55/EU), and also to establish consistent and standardised channels for the Maltese public administration to be able to receive e-Invoices from its suppliers.
As a result of this award, the Government of Malta joined other EU member states in implementing Peppol standards and infrastructure to comply with the EU e-Invoicing Directive. This directive requires central and sub-central government authorities to accept any electronic invoices that comply with the European Norm (EN16931) from any supplier.
“We welcome Government of Malta as a new customer of Pagero and are happy that they are taking steps to facilitate digital trade in the country. I believe that their selection of Pagero reaffirms our position as a leading provider in the e-document compliance space” says Bengt Nilsson, CEO of Pagero.
Following the implementation of this initiative, which will be led by both Pagero and the Ministry for Finance and Employment, Maltese and international businesses will be able to send e-Invoices to any public sector body in Malta via the Peppol infrastructure.
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