Customer cases

Learn about how our customers have used digitalization and automation to streamline routines, bring more value to the world and become more sustainable.

Stories from our customers

Customer cases

Systra AB reached break-even on e-invoice investment in just 10 months

Systra has saved 65 per cent of working hours by switching to e-invoices and has reached break-even on its investment in just ten months.

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Aquilant achieves improved healthcare efficiency and patient outcome by partnering with Pagero for PEPPOL Access Point services and catalogue management.

Customer cases

Aquilant improves efficiency and patient outcome with Pagero

Aquilant achieves improved healthcare efficiency and patient outcome by using Pagero for Peppol Access Point services and catalogue management.

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Customer cases

Atherton adds value to business and employees with Pagero AP Automation

Thanks to Atherton's AP Automation project with Pagero, they're now able to meet their customers' and suppliers' digital needs.

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“Pagero meets our requirements perfectly, and we believe that we can keep expanding with them throughout the world.” Read the full Doka customer case!

Customer cases

Doka has found a service provider to expand with – all over the world

With Pagero, Doka has been able to fulfil all legal requirements, while saving money, the environment and meeting customer requests for e-invoicing.

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Customer cases

Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Achieving local compliance in 29 countries

Learn how HPE found a simple way to comply with local e-invoicing regulations with Pagero.

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Customer cases

HUS remedies stock management with automation and transparency

With Pagero, HUS has removed bottlenecks from material handling, labor-intensive requisition and warehousing processes.

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Johnson & Johnson's strategic partnership with Pagero led to increased numbers of digital business documents exchanged with the Nordic healthcare sector.

Customer cases

Johnson & Johnson realised their vision with Pagero

Johnson & Johnson's partnership with Pagero led to increased numbers of digital business documents exchanged with the Nordic healthcare sector.

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Jotun India turned to Pagero to make the transistion towards digitalisation of mandatory registration of invoices in a government portal.

Customer cases

Jotun India makes the transition to e-invoicing ahead of time

Jotun India turned to Pagero to make the transistion towards digitalisation of mandatory registration of invoices in a government portal.

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Customer cases

Munters chose Pagero for their multi-country e-invoicing and order management

Munters is a world leading supplier of climate solutions for the future. They use a wide range of Pagero solutions across 5 countries and expanding.

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ABB Spain have been using Pagero’s services since 2011 to send and receive e-invoices, which has helped them optimize their invoice handling.

Customer cases

Pagero helped ABB optimise invoice handling

ABB Spain are using Pagero’s services to send and receive e-invoices, which has helped them optimize and achieve more efficient invoice handling.

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Customer cases

Primula saves time and makes easier and more secure payments with Pagero e-banking

The real estate company Primula works with several banks and payment flows. Pagero's e-banking service streamlined the processes.

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